Polyaxon chart is a Helm chart for creating reproducible and maintainable deployments of Polyaxon with Kubernetes.


This chart bootstraps a Polyaxon deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

It also packages some required dependencies for Polyaxon:

Note: It’s possible to provide your own managed version of each one for these dependencies.

This chart can be installed on a single node or multi-nodes cluster, in which case you need to provide some volumes with ReadWriteMany or cloud buckets. An nfs provisioner can be used in cases where you want to try the platform on a multi-nodes cluster without the need to create your own volumes. Please see polyaxon-nfs-provisioner

Tip: The full list of the default values.yaml


  • Kubernetes >= 1.5.0
  • helm >= v2.5.0

Add polyaxon charts

helm repo add polyaxon https://charts.polyaxon.com
helm repo update

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name <RELEASE_NAME>:

helm install --name=<RELEASE_NAME> --namespace=<NAMESPACE> polyaxon/polyaxon

Please do not use the --wait flag, otherwise the deployment will not succeed.

The command deploys Polyaxon on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.

The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the <RELEASE_NAME> deployment:

helm delete <RELEASE_NAME>

or with --purge flag

helm delete <RELEASE_NAME> --purge

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Warning: Jobs are only deleted if they succeeded, sometimes if you cancel a deployment you might end up with undeleted jobs.

kubectl delete job ...

Note: You can delete the chart and skip the cleaning the hooks

helm del --purge  <RELEASE_NAME>  --no-hooks

This can be particularly useful if your deployment is not working, because the hooks will most probably fail.

How to set the configuration

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example:

helm install --name=<RELEASE_NAME> \
    --set persistence.enabled=false,email.host=email \

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example:

helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml polyaxon


Parameter Description Default
DeploymentType The deployment type tells polyaxon how to show instructions (‘kubernetes’, ‘minikube’, ‘microk8s’, ‘docker-compose’) kubernetes


Parameter Description Default
deploymentVersion The deployment version to use, this is important if you are using polyaxon-cli to avoid accidentally deploying/upgrading to a version without noticing latest


Parameter Description Default
namespace The namespace that will be used by Polyaxon to create operations and communicate with other services polyaxon

Ingress, RBAC, and API service

This chart provides support for an Ingress resource with a custom ingress controller polyaxon-ingress. You can also provide different annotations for the ingress and it will not use polyaxon-ingress class. (ingress.annotations.kubernetes.io/ingress.class)

Parameter Description Default
rbac.enabled Use Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC) true
ingress.enabled Use Kubernetes ingress true
ingress.path Kubernetes ingress path /
ingress.hostName Kubernetes ingress hostName
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
ingress.tls Use Ingress TLS []
api.service.annotations API Service annotations {}

Note: using TLS requires either:

  • a preconfigured secret with the TLS secrets in it
  • or the user of cert-manager to auto request certs from let’s encrypt and store them in a secret.

It’s also possible to use a service like externalDNS to auto create the DNS entry for the polyaxon API service.

Securing API server with TLS

If you have your own certificate you can make a new secret with the tls.crt and the tls.key, then set the secret name in the values file.

Automating TLS certificate creation and DNS setup

To automate the creation and registration of new domain name you can use the following services:

once installed, you can set the values for ingress.tls:

  enabled: true
  hostName: polyaxon.acme.com
    - secretName: polyaxon.acme-tls
        - polyaxon.acme.com

TLS can have more than one host.

In order to get the domain registration to work you need to set the value of api.service.annotations to the annotation needed for your domain: i.e

  domainName: polyaxon.my.domain.com


Parameter Description Default
ssl To set ssl and serve https with Polyaxon deployed with NodePort service {}

NGINX acts as a reverse proxy for Polyaxon’s front-end server, meaning NGINX proxies external HTTP (and HTTPS) requests to the Polyaxon API.

NGINX ingress

The recommended way to use Https in Polyaxon on Kubernetes is by setting an ingress-nginx for the Polyaxon Cluster running on Kubernetes.

Polyaxon’s helm chart comes with an ingress resource that you can use with an ingress controller where you should use TLS so that all traffic will be served over HTTPS.

  1. Create a TLS secret that contains your TLS certificate and private key.

    kubectl create secret tls polyaxon-tls --key $PATH_TO_KEY --cert $PATH_TO_CERT
  2. Add the tls configuration to Polyaxon’s Ingress values. (Do not use CluserIP on GKE)

    serviceType: ClusterIP
      enabled: true
      hostName: polyaxon.acme.com
      - secretName: polyaxon.acme-tls
          - polyaxon.acme.com

    For more information visit the Nginx Ingress Integration

NGINX for NodePort service

To enable ssl for Polyaxon API running with NodePort service on Kubernetes, you need to provide an ssl certificate and SSL certificate key.

you can provide a self-signed certificate or a browser trusted certificate.

  1. Create a secret for your certificate:

    kubectl create -n polyaxon secret generic polyaxon-cert --from-file=/path/to/certs/polyaxon.com.crt --from-file=/path/to/certs/polyaxon.com.key
  2. Make sure to update your deployment config with reference to the certificate

      enabled: true
      secretName: 'polyaxon-cert'
  3. Set the service type to NodePort and update the API’s service port to 443.

N.B. By default, Polyaxon mounts the ssl certificate and key to /etc/ssl, this value can be updated using the .Values.ssl.path.

CLI setup

If you are serving Polyaxon on HTTPS, you should be aware that CLI need to have a different config:

polyaxon config set --host=IP/Host [--verify_ssl]


Parameter Description Default
dns DNS configuration for cluster running with custom dns setup {}

Several users deploy Polyaxon on Kubernetes cluster created with kubespray, and by default Kubespray creates Kubernetes with CoreDNS as a cluster DNS server.

Update DNS backend

Although we could provide logic to detect the DNS used in the cluster, this would require cluster wide RBAC that we think it’s unnecessary. The default DNS backend used by Polyaxon is KubeDNS, to set it to a different DNS, you can provide this value in your Polyaxon’s deployment config:

  backend: "coredns"

Update DNS prefix to different system

Since the DNS service is generally deployed on kube-system namespace, the default DNS prefix is kube-dns.kube-system or coredns.kube-system if you update the previous option.

You can also provide the complete DNS prefix, and not use the DNS backend options:

  prefix: "kube-dns.other-kube-system"

Update the DNS prefix for OpenShift

OpenShift has a different DNS configuration, the default prefix is:

  prefix: "dns-default.openshift-dns"

Update DNS cluster

The default dns cluster used in Polyaxon to resolve routes is cluster.local, you can provide a Custom Cluster DNS, by setting:

  customCluster: "custom.cluster.name"

Time zone

To set a different time zone for application (convenient for the dashboard and admin interface) you can can provide a valid time zone value

Parameter Description Default
timezone The timezone to use UTC

Root user

The default superuser/root user for polyaxon. A default password is provided, rootpassword. You can also remove the value and Polyaxon will generate a random password that you can retrieve later.

Parameter Description Default
user.username Default superuser username root
user.email Default superuser email [email protected]
user.password Default superuser password (could be null) rootpassword

Nvidia GPU

In order to use GPU for your experiments you need to have nodes with GPU and you need to expose the NVidia paths to your jobs.

This is how you specify where your NVidia library is on your host

Parameter Description Default
dirs.nvidia.lib The nvidia lib:e .g “/usr/lib/nvidia-384”
dirs.nvidia.bin The nvidia bin:e .g “/usr/lib/nvidia-384/bin”
dirs.nvidia.libcuda The nvidia libcuda.so.1:e .g “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcuda.so.1”

This where you want to mount these libraries on the pods, by default Polyaxon will same values from dirs if not provided.

Parameter Description Default
mountPaths.nvidia.lib The nvidia lib:e .g “/usr/lib/nvidia-384” dirs.nvidia.lib
mountPaths.nvidia.bin The nvidia bin:e .g “/usr/lib/nvidia-384/bin” dirs.nvidia.bin
mountPaths.nvidia.libcuda The nvidia libcuda.so.1:e .g “/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcuda.so.1” dirs.nvidia.libcuda


Polyaxon provides options to enable or disable persistence, or connect existing claims. You can set the options for setting up the persistence for Polyaxon, or enable the nfs provisioner to provision the volumes, or some of them.

Tip: If you are using a multi node cluster and need to have ReadWriteMany volumes for trying out the platform, you can use the nfs provisioner provided by the platform. See later Persistence with nfs

For logs and repos Polyaxon by default uses the host node, in many cases this is a sufficient default, in other cases where Polyaxon is deployed on a multi-nodes and is replicated, the usage of ReadWriteMany PVC is recommended to have a stable deployment.

logs: logs generated by experiments/jobs/builds.

If you don’t provide an outputs claim to use, Polyaxon will use the host.

Parameter Description Default
persistence.logs.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC
persistence.logs.mountPath Path where to mount the volume /polyaxon-logs
persistence.logs.hostPath The directory from the host node’s /tmp/logs

repos: code used for creating builds, training experiments, running jobs.

If you don’t provide an outputs claim to use, Polyaxon will use the host.

Parameter Description Default
persistence.repos.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC
persistence.repos.mountPath Path where to mount the volume /polyaxon-repos
persistence.repos.hostPath The directory from the host node’s /tmp/repos

upload: temporary volume where Polyaxon uploads data, code, files, …

If you don’t provide an outputs claim to use, Polyaxon will use the host. It is not very important to have a volume claim for this if your host node has sufficient storage.

Parameter Description Default
persistence.upload.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC
persistence.upload.mountPath Path where to mount the volume /polyaxon-upload
persistence.upload.hostPath The directory from the host node’s /tmp/upload

data: data used for training experiments.

You can mount multiple claims and host paths for data. This should be a dictionary mapping volume names to the respective volumes.

Every definition should follow the structure:

Parameter Description Default
persistence.data.dataName.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC
persistence.data.dataName.mountPath Path where to mount the volume
persistence.data.dataName.hostPath The directory from the host node’s
persistence.data.dataName.readOnly Whether to mount as read-only
persistence.data.dataName.store To mount a cloud storage (s3, gcs, azure)
persistence.data.dataName.bucket The bucket to mount
persistence.data.dataName.secret The secret containing access to the bucket
persistence.data.dataName.secretKey The key name to get the value from the secret

The default value based is on a path in the host node:

      mountPath: "/data"
      hostPath: "/data"

Example of different data persistence definition:

      mountPath: "/data/1"
      hostPath: "/path/to/data"
      readOnly: true
      mountPath: "/data/2"
      existingClaim: "data-2-pvc"
      mountPath: "/data/foo"
      existingClaim: "data-foo-pvc"
      store: gcs
      bucket: gs://data-bucket
      secret: secret-name
      secretKey: secret-key
      store: s3
      bucket: s3://data-bucket
      secret: secret-name
      secretKey: secret-key
      store: azure
      bucket: wasbs://data-[email protected]/
      secret: secret-name
      secretKey: secret-key

outputs: outputs generated from experiments and jobs.

You can mount multiple claims and host paths for outputs. This should be a dictionary mapping volume names to the respective volumes.

Every definition should follow the structure:

Parameter Description Default
persistence.outputs.outputsName.existingClaim Name of an existing PVC
persistence.outputs.outputsName.mountPath Path where to mount the volume
persistence.outputs.outputsName.hostPath The directory from the host node’s
persistence.outputs.outputsName.readOnly Whether to mount as read-only
persistence.outputs.dataName.store To mount a cloud storage (s3, gcs, azure)
persistence.outputs.dataName.bucket The bucket to mount
persistence.outputs.dataName.secret The secret containing access to the bucket
persistence.outputs.dataName.secretKey The key name to get the value from the secret

The default value based is on a path in the host node:

      mountPath: "/outputs"
      hostPath: "/outputs"

N.B. Multi-outputs is not supported in CE version

Example of multi-outputs persistence definition with:

      mountPath: "/outputs/1"
      hostPath: "/path/to/outputs"
      readOnly: true
      mountPath: "/outputs/2"
      existingClaim: "outputs-2-pvc"
      mountPath: "/outputs/foo"
      existingClaim: "outputs-foo-pvc"
      store: gcs
      bucket: gs://outputs-bucket
      secret: secret-name
      secretKey: secret-key
      store: s3
      bucket: s3://outputs-bucket
      secret: secret-name
      secretKey: secret-key
      store: azure
      bucket: wasbs://outputs-[email protected]/
      secret: secret-name
      secretKey: secret-key

Node and Deployment manipulation

Parameter Description Default
nodeSelector Node selector for core pod assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for core pod assignment []
affinity Affinity for core Please check the values

Dependent charts can also have values overwritten. Preface values with

  • postgresql.*
  • redis.*
  • rabbitmq.*

Polyaxon provides a list of options to select which nodes should be used for the core platform, for the dependencies, and for the runs.

Node Selectors

Polyaxon comes with a couple of node selectors options to assign pods to nodes for polyaxon’s core platform

Additionally every dependency in the helm package, exposes a node selector option.

By providing these values, or some of them, you can constrain the pods belonging to that category to only run on particular nodes or to prefer to run on particular nodes.






If one or more taints are applied to a node, and you want to make sure some pods should not deploy on it, Polyaxon provides tolerations option for the core platform, as well as for all dependencies, e.i. database, broker, expose their own tolerations option.






It allows you to constrain which nodes your pod is eligible to schedule on, based on the node’s labels. Polyaxon has a default Affinity values for its core components to ensure that they deploy on the same node.

Polyaxon’s default affinity:

      - weight: 100
            - key: type
              operator: In
              - "polyaxon-core"
          topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"

You can update your config deployment file to set affinity for each dependency:





Resources discovery

Parameter Description Default
resourcesDaemon.enabled resourcesDaemon enabled true
resourcesDaemon.tolerations Tolerations for resourcesDaemon pod assignment []

IPs/Hosts White list

In order to restrict IP addresses and hosts that can communicate with the API

  - .mysite.com  # (Will consume every subdomain of mysite.com)

API Host

In order to receive email and notifcation with a clickable link to the objects on the platform



hostName: polyaxon.foo.com

Admin view

Polyaxon ships with an admin interface:

 adminEnabled: true

Security context

Parameter Description Default
enabled enable security context false
runAsUser security context UID 2222
runAsGroup security context GID 2222
fsGroup security context FS 2222
allowPrivilegeEscalation Controls whether a process can gain more privileges than its parent process false
runAsNonRoot Indicates that the container must run as a non-root user true
fsGroupChangePolicy defines behavior of changing ownership and permission of the volume before being exposed inside Pod

Polyaxon runs all containers as root by default, this configuration is often fine for several deployment, however, in some use cases it can expose a compliance issue for some teams.

Polyaxon provides a simple way to enable a security context for all core components.

Default configuration:

  enabled: false
  runAsUser: 2222
  runAsGroup: 2222
  fsGroup: 2222
  allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
  runAsNonRoot: true

Enable security context

  enabled: true

Or enable with custom UID/GID other than 2222/2222:

  enabled: true
  user: 1111
  group: 1111

Define behavior of changing ownership and permission of the volume before being exposed inside Pod:

  enabled: true
  fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch

This will enable a security context to run all containers using a UID/GID == 1111/1111.

N.B. If you are using a host path or a volume for the artifacts store, make sure to allow the UID/GID to access it.

Port forwarding

You can use port forwarding to access the API and dashboard on localhost:

kubectl port-forward  svc/polyaxon-polyaxon-api 31811:80 31812:1337 -n polyaxon

Upgrade Polyaxon

To upgrade Polyaxon to a newer version, you can simply run:

helm repo update
helm upgrade polyaxon polyaxon/polyaxon -f config.yaml